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Support Us


For over 50 years, Ridgecroft School has thrived as a result of the generosity and support of donors like you. We are an independent school that is fiscally self-sufficient, depending entirely on revenue from tuition and the long-standing tradition of philanthropy of our parents, grandparents, alumni, faculty, and community friends. It is with your continued generosity that the standards set forth in our mission and ministry remain for generations to follow. 

There are many ways to support us:

Make a tax-deductible gift to the Annual Fund, which directly supports our greatest needs!

Do you purchase from Amazon?
Support Ridgecoft while you shop at

Grocery shopping at Food Lion
Purchase a Food Lion gift card from the front office - you receive the full value of the card, and Ridgecroft gets 5% back!

Box Tops for Education 
Support Ridgecroft through your everyday shopping when you download the BoxTops for Education app!

Sending holiday cards? Participate in our Minted Fundraiser! FUNDRAISERIDGECROFTPTO - Using this code will get you 20% off on your order, and they will donate 15% to Ridgecroft PTO.

Spiritwear is available for purchase in our front office and on occasion through email solicitation. 
Purchase a stuffed Rudy the Ram in the front office.

Simply “like” and follow us on social media! |