Dear Ridgecroft Families and Friends,
Welcome to Ridgecroft School, a place that I believe embraces the whole child every day and in every way. I continue to be very honored to have the opportunity to lead a school with this rich tradition that is now more than ever committed to excellence.
Our recent past has made us stronger. Our staff is extremely aware of the social-emotional needs of students. We are a safer school, we are a healthier school and we are committed to continually strengthening our academics and athletics programs. New faces in administration, instruction, pre-school, athletics, advancement, and food service will add an additional level of excitement to the opening of the school year. I look forward to working with new colleagues and new ideas, all helping to improve our efforts for students.
I continue to believe that every student deserves a quality education, and that can only happen when the school, it’s families, and the community work together for the best interests of those young people. With this in mind, let us all look forward to work to ensure that Ridgecroft School remains the premier independent school in our area.
In closing, please know that my door is always open and I look forward to talking with you about any issue or concern you might have, or, just come by and visit!
Best Wishes,
Russell Johnson
Head of School