2024-2025 Supply Lists
- Art - Mrs. Kirby
- Media Center - Mrs. Tayloe
- Spanish - Mrs. Warren
Lower School Supply Lists
- Kindergarten - Mrs. Mathias and Mrs. Billman
- 1st Grade - Ms. Little and Mrs. Bridgers
- 2nd Grade - Mrs. Bowman and Mrs. Carter
- 3rd Grade - Mrs. Batts
- 4th Grade - Language Arts & Social Studies - Mrs. Slaughter
- 4th/5th Grade - Math & Science - Mrs. Williams
- 5th Grade - Language Arts & Social Studies - Mrs. Slaughter
Middle School Supply Lists
*Please note Mrs. Outland would appreciate any Middle School/Upper School families donating pencils to her office. These pencils are used daily by students in all middle school/upper school grades.*
- 6th, 7th, 8th Grade English - Mrs. Gallop
- 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Social Studies - Ms. Crandall
- 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Science - Mrs. Bailey
- Math - Mrs. Batts
- Math / Computers - Mrs. Newsome
Upper School Supply Lists
*Please note Mrs. Outland would appreciate any Middle School/Upper School families donating pencils to her office. These pencils are used daily by students in all middle school/upper school grades.*
- US History - Mrs. Crandall
- Southern History - Mrs. Newbern
- Upper School English & AP English - Mrs. Hughes & Mrs. Rose {9th-12th Grades}
- Mrs. D'Souza
- Upper School Math - Mrs. Barnes
- Latin - Mrs. Newbern
- Business Math / Accounting - Mrs. Newsome
2024 Summer Assignments
- APUSH Summer Assignment - Mrs. Newbern
- APUSH Movies - Mrs. Newbern
- AP English Assignment - Mrs. Hughes & Mrs. Rose
- 9th, 10th, 11th Grade English - There is no summer assignment for these classes.